They heard footsteps in the main room, beyond a door 他们听见门外的大厅里有脚步声。
The Conservative Party did not in the main disagree with Bevin's conduct of foreign policy. 保守党大体上不反对贝文的外交施政方式。
'Bravo, bravo,' chanted party workers crowded in the main hall. “太好了,太好了,”聚集在正厅的该党工作人员反复喊着。
Reviews are distilled from articles previously published in the main column 述评是从先前刊登在主要专栏的文章中提炼出来的。
Tourists are, in the main, sympathetic people 大体说来,游客们都富有同情心。
In the main, children are taboo in the workplace. 工作场所基本上禁止儿童进入。
In the main rooms red-hot radiators were left exposed. 在主室里,炽热的散热器暴露在外。
The work has been completed in the main. 这项工作已经基本完成。
Put this letter in the main file. 将这函件放入文卷总档中。
There are three Buddhas in the main hall of the temple. 大殿上塑着三尊佛。
These two boxers will appear in the main bouts. 这两名拳击手将在主要比赛中较量。
The strike was broken, of course, but in the main by a series of adventitious developments. 罢工是中断了,但主要还是由于发生了一系列意外事件。
In the main they were presentable, polite, with average-to-good social skills. 这些人过着得体的生活,彬彬有礼,掌握着较为良好的社会技能。
The tables you see below map almost identically to those presented in the main body of this article. 你在下面看到的表与文章正文中的基本相同。
This code is the same as it was in the main view. 这段代码与原来的主视图中实现同一功能的代码完全相同。
It defines templates for the elements in the main source and the secondary sources. 它定义了用于主源文档和辅助源文档中各元素的模板。
An audit of all the objects that exist in the main Content Store. 对存在于主ContentStore内的对象的审计。
The other obvious change in the main source document is the addition of some translation-related elements and attributes. 主文档中另一个明显变化是添加了一些与翻译相关的元素和属性。
The outline view highlights the area that is visible in the main viewer. outline视图强调显示了主查看器中可见的区域。
In the main method provided, the first instance, c, is of type C. 在所提供的main方法中,第一个实例c是C类型。
In practice, it behaves as if the secondary sources were included in the main one. 实际上,它处理时就好象辅助源文档包含在主源文档中一样。
On this form, insert another tab in the main table between the Databases and Dial-up Connections tabs. 在该表单上,在主表的Databases标签和Dial-upConnections标签之间插入另一个标签。
In the main function, remove the lines below. 在main函数中,删除以下几行。
In the Main tab for this new configuration, you should see a Project field and a Main class field. 在这个新配置的Main选项卡中,应该可以看到一个Project字段和一个Mainclass字段。
However, in the main loop, you have a conditional branch. 然而,在主循环中,您使用了一个条件分支。
The details of the model that you have created are displayed in the main panel. 您为该模型创建的细节显示在主面板中。
There are also five Asian films in the main competition. 还有五部亚洲影片进入了主竞赛单元。
In the main eurozone countries the system of mortgage finance is completely different. 在主要的欧元区国家,抵押贷款融资体系与美国完全不同。
Miners held mass sports events in the main square and performances on its grand stage. 矿工们在中央广场上以及舞台里举行大量的体育赛事和表演。
Since then, however, the appraisals and directives of the Central Committee have in the main been correct. 但从此以后,中央的估量和指示,大体上说来就都是对的了。